Head Injuries

Personal Injury Guideline Amounts

Accidents on the road, at work or in a public place happen daily and some of these accidents can lead to serious head injuries to the people involved. If you are one of these people and the accident wasn’t your fault then you could be entitled to make a head injury compensation claim for damages. HDP Solicitors handles head injury claims throughout the UK, working hard to get our clients the compensation they deserve.

The information below can be used as a guide to likely head injury compensation claim payouts when a claim is settled.

If you would like to get a more accurate potential figure or want more information about the process of claiming from a professional abdomen injury solicitor then please contact us.

Sections on this page:

Brain & Head Injury

Brain Damage
InjuryGuideline award
Very Severe Brain Damage £240,590 to £344,640
Moderately Severe Brain Damage £186,890 to £240,590
Moderate Brain Damage
This category is distinguished from Moderately Sever Brain Damage by the fact that the degree of dependence is markedly lower.
(i) Cases in which there is moderate to severe intellectual deficit, a personality change, an effect on sight, speech, and senses with a significant risk of epilepsy, and no prospect of employment. £128,060 to £186,890
(ii) Cases in which there is moderate to modest intellectual deficit, the ability to work is greatly reduced if not removed, and there is some risk of epilepsy (unless a provisional damages order provides for the risk). £77,410 to £128,060
(iii) Cases in which concentration and memory are affected, the ability to work is reduced, where there is a small risk of epilepsy, and any dependence on others is very limited. £36,740 to £77,410
Less Severe Brain Damage £13,070 to £36,740
Minor Brain or Head Injury £1,880 to £10,890
InjuryGuideline award
Established Grand Mal £87,010 to £128,060
Established Petit Mal £46,780 to £112,130
Other Epileptic Conditions £9,080 to £22,240

Facial Injury

Facial injuries can be very distressing as you cannot hide them or cover them up. At HDP Solicitors we've successfully helped many clients receive excellent compensation for their facial injuries.

We can help you too. If you've been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault and you suffered facial injuries as a result then give us a call. One of the team will go through the details with you so that you understand the process – and it won't cost you a penny. We claim all or fees from the defendant's insurers so that you don't have to put your hand in your pocket at all.

If you think you have a valid claim for a facial injury or simply want to find out if we can help you achieve what you deserve, then call free on 0800 0357 770 or use the contact enquiry form.

Amounts for facial injuries below are a guide only, based on national figures and amounts HDP Solicitors have won for past clients.

Facial Injury Compensation Claims
InjuryGuideline award
Le Fort Fractures of frontal facial bones £20,320 to £31,350
Multiple fractures of facial bones involving some permanent facial deformity £12,700 to £20,430
Fractures of Nose or Nasal Complex
Serious or multiple fractures requiring a number of operations and/or resulting in permanent damage to airways, difficulty breathing, and/or nerves or tear ducts and/or facial deformity £9,080 to £19,730
Displaced fracture where recovery complete but only after surgery £3,370 to £4,350
Displaced fracture requiring no more than manipulation £2,160 to £2,690
Simple undisplaced fracture with full recovery £1,460 to £2,160
Fractures of Cheekbones
Serious fractures requiring surgery but with lasting consequences such as paraesthesia in the cheeks or the lips or some element of disfigurement £8,700 to £13,470
Simple fracture of cheekbones for which some reconstructive surgery is necessary but from which there is a complete recovery with no or only minimal cosmetic effects £3,710 to £5,510
Simple fracture of cheekbone for which no surgery is required and where a complete recovery is effected £1,990 to £2,560
Fractures of Jaws
Very serious multiple fractures followed by prolonged treatment and permanent consequences, including severe pain, restriction in eating, paraesthesia, and/or the risk of arthritis in the joints £26,010 to £38,850
Serious fracture with permanent consequences such as difficulty in opening the mouth or with eating or where there is paraesthesia in the area of the jaw £15,510 to £26,010
Simple fracture requiring immobilisation but from which recovery is complete £5,510 to £7,460
Damage to Teeth
Loss or serious damage to several front teeth £7,460 to £9,740
Loss of or serious damage to two front teeth £3,710 to £6,510
Loss of or serious damage to one front tooth £1,880 to £3,370
Loss of or damage to back teeth, per tooth £930 to £1,460
Facial Disfigurement
Very severe scarring £25,400 to £83,050
Less severe scarring £15,320 to £41,310
Significant scarring £7,780 to £25,670
Less significant scarring £3,370 to £11,730
Trivial scarring £1,460 to £3,010

Psychiatric and Psychological Damage

Psychiatric damage is sometimes a distressing result of a range of accidents, such as car crashes or work-related incidents. If that accident was caused by somebody else's mistake or negligence, however, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

At HDP Solicitors, we are here to help you claim the damages you deserve. We also know that if you are considering making a claim, you will want to know how much compensation you may be able to recover if you are successful.

To find out more about psychiatric and psychological damage compensation claims or to get a more accurate estimate of the compensation you could claim for your specific case, call free on 0800 0357 770 or use the contact enquiry form.

Psychiatric Damage Generally
InjuryGuideline award
Severe £46,780 to £98,750
Moderately Severe £16,270 to £46,780
Moderate £5,000 to £16,270
Less Severe £1,310 to £5,000
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
InjuryGuideline award
Severe £51,070 to £85,880
Moderately Severe £19,750 to £51,070
Moderate £6,980 to £19,750
Minor £3,370 to £6,980

Chronic Pain

If you have been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault and now suffer from chronic pain as a result, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

At HDP, our specialist solicitors are dedicated, and we also like to make sure potential clients know how much compensation they may be able to claim if they are successful with their case.

To get in touch with our lawyers for more information about chronic pain compensation claims, or to get a personalised estimate of how much you could claim, call free on 0800 0357 770 or use the contact enquiry form.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) - The condition is characterized by intense, burning pain which can make moving or even touching the affected limb intolerable.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
InjuryGuideline award
Severe £44,790 to £71,670
Moderate £23,910 to £44,790
Other Pain Disorders
InjuryGuideline award
Severe £35,950 to £53,740
Moderate £17,970 to £32,840

Injuries Affecting the Senses

All our senses are incredibly important to us and if you've suffered an accident which has left you with affected hearing, sight, smell, taste or touch then HDP Solicitors can help you. Our professional team can give you reliable legal advice on whether you have a valid claim for compensation, if you do, we can make a start on your claim the very same day.

Simply call freephone 0800 0357 770 or use the contact enquiry form and one of the team will go through your accident circumstances with you so that we can get the right amount for your injuries affecting the senses.

We will also make sure that you see the most appropriate medico-legal specialist for your injuries so we get the best possible medical evidence for your case. You won't have to pay out any money as we will have our fees covered by the other side and you get to keep all your compensation money.

The amounts below for injuries affecting senses are for guidance only but give you an example of what you may be entitled to.

Injuries Affecting the Sight
InjuryGuideline award
Total Blindness and Deafness In the region of £344,640
Total Blindness In the region of £229,260
Loss of Sight in One Eye with Reduced Vision in the Remaining Eye £54,550 to £153,390
Total Loss of One Eye £46,780 to £56,080
Complete Loss of Sight in One Eye £42,030 to £46,780
Minor Eye Injuries £3,370 to £7,460
Transient Eye Injuries £1,880 to £3,370
InjuryGuideline award
Total Deafness and Loss of Speech £93,540 to £120,040
Total Deafness £77,430 to £93,540
Total Loss of Hearing in One Ear £26,710 to £38,850
Partial Hearing Loss and/or Tinnitus
Severe tinnitus and NIHL (Noise Induced Hearing Loss) £25,350 to £38,850
Moderate tinnitus and NIHL or moderate to severe tinnitus or NIHL alone £12,700 to £25,350
Mild tinnitus with some NIHL £10,750 to 12,700
Mild tinnitus alone or mild NIHL alone Around £10,000
Slight or occasional tinnitus with slight NIHL £6,280 to £10,750
Slight NIHL without tinnitus or slight tinnitus without NIHL Up to £5,980
Impairment of Taste and Smell
InjuryGuideline award
Total Loss of Taste and Smell In the region of £33,430
Total Loss of Smell and Significant Loss of Taste £28,070 to £33,430
Loss of Smell £21,320 to £28,070
Loss of Taste £16,380 to £21,320

If you would like a consultation or advice from a head injury solicitor at HDP, then please contact the personal injury team.

The figures shown are sourced from the Judicial College Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases (fifteenth Edition, 2019) are a guide to show the approximate amount you could receive as compensation for your injury.

Compensation awards vary according to the severity of injury and how quickly you recover. The figures do not apply for criminal injuries.