Back Injury Compensation Claims

HDP Solicitors pursue successful ‘no win, no fee’ back injury compensation claims for clients throughout the UK. If you have injured your back during an accident on the road, at work or in a public place, our practised, qualified lawyers are here to help you claim the compensation you deserve.

The below information is a rough guide to the level of damages that you could recover at the settlement of your back injury compensation claim. Please remember that the figures quoted are to be used as a guideline only in order to give you an idea of the potential award. HDP Solicitors will always fight to get you the maximum possible compensation for your claim.

If you would like more accurate back injury compensation information based on the details of your case, please contact our team of back injury solicitors for personal legal advice on freephone 0800 0357 770, or use the enquiry form.

InjuryGuideline award
Cases of the most severe injury involving damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots, leading to a combination of very serious consequences not normally found in cases of back injury. There will be severe pain and disability with a combination of incomplete paralysis and significantly impaired bladder, bowel, and sexual function £77,700 to £137,330
Cases which have special features taking them outside any lower bracket applicable to orthopaedic injury to the back. Such features include nerve root damage with associated loss of sensation, impaired mobility, impaired bladder and bowel function, sexual difficulties, and unsightly scarring £63,280 to £75,440
Cases of disc lesions or fractures of discs or of vertebral bodies or soft tissue injuries leading to chronic conditions where, despite treatment (usually involving surgery), there remain disabilities such as continuing severe pain and discomfort, impaired agility, impaired sexual function, depression, personality change, alcoholism, unemployability, and the risk of arthritis £33,080 to £59,490
InjuryGuideline award
Cases where any residual disability is of less severity than that in the severe section above. The bracket contains a wide variety of injuries. Examples are a case of a compression/crush fracture of the lumbar vertebrae where there is a substantial risk of osteoarthritis and constant pain and discomfort; that of a traumatic spondylolisthesis with continuous pain and a probability that spinal fusion will be necessary; a prolapsed intervertebral disc requiring surgery; or damage to an intervertebral disc with nerve root irritation and reduced mobility £23,680 to £33,080
Many frequently encountered injuries to the back such as disturbance of ligaments and muscles giving rise to backache, soft tissue injuries resulting in a prolonged acceleration and/or exacerbation of a pre-existing back condition, usually by five years or more, or prolapsed discs necessitating laminectomy or resulting in repeated relapses. The precise figure will depend upon a number of factors including the severity of the original injury, the degree of pain experienced, the extent of any treatment required in the past or in the future, the impact of the symptoms on the injured person's ability to function in everyday life and engage in social/recreational activities and the prognosis for the future £10,670 to £23,680


This bracket includes less serious strains, sprains, disc prolapses, soft tissue injuries, or fracture injuries which recover without surgery. As with minor neck injuries, whilst the duration of symptoms will always be important, several factors may justify an award in either a higher or lower bracket.

InjuryGuideline award
Where a full recovery or a recovery to nuisance level takes place without surgery within about two to five years. This bracket will also apply to shorter term acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries, usually between two to five years £6,730 to £10,670
Where a full recovery takes place without surgery between three months and two years. This bracket will also apply to very short-term acceleration and/or exacerbation injuries, usually less than two years £2,090 to £6,730
Where a full recovery is made within three months Up to £2,090

If you require a more accurate back injury compensation amount, please contact HDPs’ team of back injury solicitors for professional advice.

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The figures shown are sourced from the Judicial College Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases (fifteenth Edition, 2019) are a guide to show the approximate amount you could receive as compensation for your injury.

Compensation awards vary according to the severity of injury and how quickly you recover. The figures do not apply for criminal injuries.